Je marche donc je suis

15 million French practice hiking. A pair of running shoes and off you go for a day trip to the heart of unique landscapes … Between stroll by the sea, excursion in the Alps or trekking in the Moroccan desert, we followed some Hikers . All share the same love of nature and the taste of physical effort. Portrait of the passionate walking, from 7 to 77 years old … (Realization Linda HURE, 2014)


Silk Way Rally 2015 Teaser

 The Silk Way Rally returns after a two year absence ….. A renaissan ...

Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge 2015

  This year, we had the chance to produce images of this magnificent rall ...

Best of SILK WAY RALLY 2017

The Silk Way Rally: a transcontinental rally with vast expanses of desert, with ...

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